Thursday, March 11, 2010

iphone helps for dieters #2

Above photo is a screen shot from my iphone.

Here is another app that really keeps me on my toes! It is called "Water Your Body" and it is $0.99! I have noticed a big difference in controlling my appetite just by staying hydrated.

This app really motivates me because if I drink all my water for the day I get an "A"! If you get 7 "A" days you get a bronze trophy, 30 days a silver, 90 days gold and 365 "A" days you get platinum. Like I said before....I respond well to gimmicks!

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  1. ooh, another good one! I would have never found this, thanks!!

  2. I was just saying today how I don't drink enough water. This is great. Hope these apps help you!

  3. very cool! i could use some help like this!

  4. sounds very interesting! I might have to try this!


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